Day Four of the CALLED UP blog tour has eight stops: (Stop 1) - Lush Book Reviews
(Stop 2) - What is that Book About
And don't forget to check out the Tasty Book Tours website for the full blog tour schedule.
Day Four of the CALLED UP blog tour has eight stops: (Stop 1) - Lush Book Reviews
(Stop 2) - What is that Book About
And don't forget to check out the Tasty Book Tours website for the full blog tour schedule.
And on to Day Three! Today's CALLED UP blog tour has eight stops today, including an interview at Becky on Books. (Stop 1) - Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews
(Stop 2) - Book Lover in Florida
(Stop 4) -Lady Muslin Myst's Mysterious Hodgepodge
(Stop 8) - Reviews from the Heart
And don't forget to check out the Tasty Book Tours website for the full blog tour schedule.
Today is Day Two of the CALLED UP blog tour, and we've got seven stops today, including a guest post at Fire and Ice Book Reviews where I talk about Who's Who in the series. (Stop 1) - I Love Romance (with REVIEW)
(Stop 2) - Lisa's Home for Books (with REVIEW)
(Stop 3) - The Silver Dagger Scriptorium
(Stop 4) - Fire And Ice Book Reviews (with REVIEW)
(Stop 5) - Plain Talk Book Marketing
(Stop 7) - A Southern Girls Bookshelf
And don't forget to check out the Tasty Book Tours website for the full blog tour schedule.
Yes, today is CALLED UP's release day! Thank you for sharing it with me! This is also the beginning of my two week blog tour. Thank you to Tasty Book Tours for organizing ten days' worth of posts, reviews, and excerpts. TBT is amazing!
And here's the list of blogs I'll be appearing on today. Please be sure to check out Ctrl, Alt, Books! because I'll be doing a guest post there on the top five reasons women love baseball players. Thank you to all of the bloggers for hosting me, and a humongous extra thank you to those who did a review. I, of course, hope everyone loves the book, but even for those who don't, I very much appreciate your including CALLED UP in what I know is a huge TBR pile and for taking the time to do a review. You are all amazing!
* NOTE: Stops in bold indicate there will be a review.
AUGUST 29, 2016:
(Stop 1) Thoughts of a Blonde (with REVIEW)
(Stop 2) - Ellesea Loves Reading (with REVIEW)
(Stop 4) - Wicked Reads (with REVIEW)
(Stop 5) - A Sky Filled with Sparkling Stars
(Stop 7) - Southern Yankee Book Reviews (with REVIEW)
(Stop 8) - Books & Spoons (with REVIEW)
(Stop 9) - Diana's Book Reviews
(Stop 10) - Hines and Bigham's Literary Tryst (with REVIEW)
Want to see the rest of the blog tour schedule? Click here.
CALLED UP releases TOMORROW! And to celebrate some really great ARC reviews, I've been doing a preorder giveaway for the last couple of weeks.
I’ll be giving away a $25 AMAZON GIFT CERTIFICATE to a lucky winner (along with a couple of other prizes).
So head on over to one of the following e-retailers:
Amazon: B&N: iBooks: Kobo: href="
And once you’ve done that, fill out the form at and tell me all about it. PLUS, there are additional ways to enter on that page. The giveaway ends TONIGHT (Sunday, August 28, 2016) at 11:59 p.m. Good luck!
Have you RSVP'd yet for Monday night's Sweet & Sexy Release Day Facebook Party that Rachel Lacey, Lisa Marie Perry and I are hosting in celebration of our books coming out this week? If not, join in now at: There will be great prizes, including the grand prize of a $75 Amazon gift card. And the lineup is incredible. Check it out:
7:00pm - Welcome (Rachel, Lisa and myself) 7:10pm - Debbie Mason 7:30pm - Rachel Lacey 7:50pm - Shannon Stacey 8:10pm - Maisey Yates 8:30pm - Nicole Helm 8:50pm - Me! 9:10pm - Molly O'Keefe 9:30pm - Elizabeth Hayley 9:50pm - Jessica Linden 10:10pm - Lisa Marie Perry
There's also an "Invite a Guest" pre-party giveaway on the Discussion tab (direct link here: where we have three $5 gift cards up for grabs.
Need that RSVP link again? Here you go:
That's right! Except for that whole pesky deadline thing, August 29 has seemed reeeeaaaalllllyyyy far away. Until, um, just now. Because CALLED UP releases on Monday!!!!! So, to build a little excitement:
ONE day from now... You'll begin to see announcements for an incredible group giveaway I'm part of through Instafreebie. There will be fourteen awesome FREE short stories/novellas/books available, including LAST CALL, my short story intro to Inspiration, Iowa. (Hint: Deke makes a cameo appearance.) So if you haven't had a chance to get a copy of that yet, now you will.
TWO days from now... Well, okay, two days from now I'll be taking a breather in anticipation of a fantastic upcoming couple of weeks and will therefore be hanging out with the fam at the beach. I'll post pictures. :) But I'll also post some specifics about next week's Facebook party. Stay tuned...
THREE days from now... Is the last day of my preorder giveaway. Have you had a chance to enter yet? There's still time. But not much. So head over to and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card.
AND THEN, drumroll please...
RELEASE DAY ON MONDAY 8/29!!!!! And there's so much happening!
So rest up, folks. Because it's going to be a great few days!
OhWowOhWowOhWOW!!!! I just got the news today that CALLED UP was named a TRR (The Romance Reviews) Top Pick! From Delta's 5 STAR review:
I just love Ms. Doyle's lighthearted yet delicious voice, her fabulous blend of humor and heat that of a much more seasoned author (did I mention this was only her second book?). She has earned a spot on my auto-buy list, and I'm super excited for the next story in this über excellent series!
Bottom Line: CALLED UP gets a big YAAAAAAASSSS from this reviewer! If you dig well written, sweet, funny and erotic romance with a firm HEA, do yourself a favor and pick this series up!
I won't lie. Book Two was a tough one to write. I can't even begin to say what this means to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to Delta and The Romance Reviews!
I'm so happy to be in the great company of some amazing authors who all have new books coming out in August. Rachel Lacey, Jessica Linden, and Lisa Marie Perry are all beginning new series, while Bronwen Evans, Codi Gary, Annie Rains and myself have new installments in currently running series.
And in honor of this release blitz, we're giving away a $50 gift certificate to the e-retailer of your choice. All you need to do is head on over to Rafflecopter to enter. Good luck, and happy reading!
August 2: Rock With You, by Rachel Lacey Amazon | B&N | More info and links...
Welcoming the Bad Boy, by Annie Rains Amazon | B&N | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo
August 16: Hero of Mine, by Codi Gary Amazon
A Taste of Seduction, by Bronwen Evans Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon Ca | Amazon Aust | Nook | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play
August 29: Called Up, by Jen Doyle Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo
August 30: Fight for Me, by Jessica Linden Amazon | B&N | Kobo
Meant to be Mine, by Lisa Marie Perry Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo
Run to You, by Rachel Lacey Amazon | B&N | More info & links...
So it's been quite a crazy month and a half since CALLING IT released on April 11. I have to admit, I was a bit unprepared. But rather than lament all the things I did wrong, I thought I'd focus on the things I did right--and one of those was working with Tasty Book Tours and all of the wonderful bloggers that took part in my virtual tour in April. Because I have some catch up to do, over the next few weeks I'll be posting links to some of the interviews I did there as well as some of the reviews because I think they might have gotten buried what with everything that was going on. But I look forward to working with them again in August when CALLED UP (i.e., Book 2 ;) ) is released.
In the meantime, I thought I'd leave this screen shot here of all of the incredible bloggers that reviewed and promo'd CALLING IT, whether they were fans of the book or not. I've written a bunch of reviews in my time and, frankly, sucked at it. I'm in awe of those who do it all the time.
And a special thank you to Lisa at TBT. What a great way to start out this journey.