writing process — blog — Jen Doyle

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writing process

Where Am I? - Part 2

From today's post at Scribblers Ink, "A Perfect Process":

I consider myself a perfectionist—this is not a good thing. Things may be collapsing in chaos around me, but, darn it, I’m going to make whatever it is that I’m working on the absolute best it can be. For example, in preparing for this blog post on the writing process—and knowing what I consider my writing process—I spent several hours researching others’ definition, not to mention all the different ways every other writer in the world approaches her/his craft. (Full disclaimer: I gave up after two.)


Read more at: http://scribblersink.com/new-blog/2016/3/28/a-perfect-process-by-jen-doyle.

Thank you, Bobbi Lerman, for having me!